Nourison Shift-Loc 3 X 5 (ft) Rectangular PVC Non-Slip Rug Pad in the Rug  Pads department at

Nourison Shift-Loc 3 X 5 (ft) Rectangular PVC Non-Slip Rug Pad in the Rug Pads department at

Price: $ 13.50


Nourison ShiftLoc 0 Ivory 7'6 x ROUND Area -Rug, Easy

Basic Rug-Loc 3 X 5 (ft) Rectangular Recycled Synthetic Fiber Non-Slip Rug Pad

Nourison Basic Rug-Loc 3 X 5 (ft) Rectangular Recycled Synthetic Fiber Non-Slip Rug Pad

Nourison Rug-Loc Tan 3' x 5

Aloha 5 X 5 (ft) Brown Round Indoor/Outdoor Floral/Botanical Farmhouse/Cottage Area Rug

Nourison Aloha 5 X 5 (ft) Brown Round Indoor/Outdoor Floral/Botanical Farmhouse/Cottage Area Rug,1000_QL80_.jpg

Nourison Firmgrip Pad (PF21) Ivory Rectangle Area Rug

Nourison's GridLoc rug pad gives your area rug affordable protection for hard surfaces like tile and hard wood, keeping your rugs in place without tape or tacky residue. By reducing slippage and providing additional cushioning and support, each rug pad helps your favorite rug last longer and stay fresher while also keeping your favorite rooms safer.

Grid-Loc Ivory Rug Pad 1'8 x 7'6 - Nourison

This rug pad will protect your rug's weave, extending the life of the rug, and protecting your investment. The needle-punched fabric and textured waffle-backing provides improved gripping power.,1000_QL80_.jpg

Nourison LOC Basic Grey Rug Pad 5'5X7'11

Nourison VAI04 Vail Ivory/Grey/Teal Area Rug- 5'3 x 7'3

Nourison Whimsicle WHS07 Area Rug | Ivory Navy | 5' x 7

Flash Furniture Rectangular Classic White Rug Pad, 5' x 7

Nourison Passion Blue 5'3 x Round Area Rug, Boho

Protect your new rug and your floors with a non-slip rug pad. our PVC rug pads are latex free, and made for use on tile and hardwood floors. Durable waffle-weave construction helps to prevent soil and moisture buildup, while protecting your floors from the textured backing of the rug. If you have LVT, vinyl or laminate floors, be sure to check the flooring manufacturer's specifications before choosing a rug pad.

Jonathan Y Ultra Stop Cream 12 ft. x 15 ft. Rug Pad

Nourison Jubilant Trellis Grey 5'3 x 7'3 Area Rug