Safavieh 2' x 8' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh 2' x 8' Ultra Pad White Rug

Price: $ 14.50


Ultra pad is made from a superior quality polyester fabric coated with a high-grade vinyl compound. It features superior grip strength which keeps rugs from sliding and slipping on hard surfaces. It also extends the life of rugs by providing a smooth supportive base while millions of tiny openings allow it to breathe. It can be easily cleaned with warm water and a mild detergent rinsed and laid flat to dry.

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Quincy Shag Rugs impart a breezy Left Coast-cool vibe throughout room decor. These plush pile shags are made using high-quality synthetic yarns in creating the luxurious textures and vivid hues displayed in this collection. This vibrant shag captures west coast style with brilliant color and flowing texture. Power-loomed using durable synthetic yarns for easy maintenance and west coast beauty for years to come.

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Safavieh Luxe Shag SGX160A 2'3 x 8'0 Runner Ivory Area Rug

[STAIN RESISTANT & NON-SHEDDING]: Expertly machine-woven from enhanced synthetic durable fibers that are stain resistant and have a virtually,1000_QL80_.jpg

SAFAVIEH Tulum Collection Runner Rug - 2' x 8', Ivory & Grey, Moroccan Boho Distressed Design, Non-Shedding & Easy Care, Ideal for High Traffic Areas

Compton Shag Rugs impart a breezy Left Coast-cool vibe throughout room decor. These plush pile shags are made using high-quality synthetic yarns in creating the luxurious textures and vivid hues displayed in this collection. This vibrant shag captures west coast style with brilliant color and flowing texture. Power-loomed using durable synthetic yarns for easy maintenance and west coast beauty for years to come.

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Non-Slip Rug Padding Ultra Pad

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