Melissa & Doug Magical Kingdom Rug

Melissa & Doug Magical Kingdom Rug

Price: $ 10.00


Have enchanted adventures on this charming and colorful sturdy play rug. Durably made to look great for countless playtimes to come, the woven rug (approximately 39 inches by 36 inches) with a skid-proof backing comes with four wooden play pieces (prince, princess, wheeled carriage, unicorn). The rug features details like a castle, river, roads, flower gardens, bridges, and more to give many options for creative play.

Melissa & Doug Magical Kingdom Rug

Melissa & Doug Rug- Round The Town Road,0,300,300_PT0_SX300_V1___.png

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Bring to life the prehistoric giants who walked the earth millions of years ago with this sturdy, colorful dinosaur play rug. Durably made to look great for countless playtimes to come, the woven rug with a skid-proof backing comes with four flocked dinosaur figures (T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus) and features details like a bubbling volcano, waterfall, river, a cool cave, jungle, and grassland to give many options for creative play.

Melissa & Doug - Prehistoric Playground Dinosaur Rug

This fierce shark floor puzzle features thick, sturdy pieces that are easy for small hands to swim into place. At over three feet long and complete with colorful fish friends, children can use their bodies and minds together to assemble the puzzle, making it a great active play choice to sink their teeth into at home, school or daycare.

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Melissa & Doug Magical Kingdom Activity Rug

Create a world of adventures, from a bustling town to a busy barnyard! This deluxe play set includes a soft and durable machine-washable activity rug, and 49 wooden play pieces to bring it to life. Pieces include construction vehicles, cars and trucks, play people, buildings, farm equipment and structures, animals, traffic signs, and more! The soft 39-inch by 36-inch (100 cm by 91 cm) rug with skid-proof backing and reinforced border binding has room for multiple kids to play.

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