Graccioza Alentejo Bath Rug

Graccioza Alentejo Bath Rug

Price: $ 156.99


The Alentejo bath rugs have a wavy 3D design effect, providing a luxurious and unique aesthetic. With non-slip silicone backing for greater safety and antibacterial treatment, it is the perfect choice for the ones that are looking for an extremely luxurious bath rug. Available in 2 neutral colours that match with the rest of Graccioza collections. 100% Egyptian cotton GIZA. 3D design effect. Antibacterial treatment. Anti slip silicone backing. Size customization is available.

Rugs by Graccioza - Graccioza - Brand

Premium bath linen from Portugal.

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Graccioza Luxury Bath Linens from Portugal

Made with the highest quality cotton fibres, this bath rug provides wonderful softness and incredible absorbency since the first use. Woven base matched with the texture of the long tufted pile on the surface creates a level of softness and support unmatched. This bath rug is crafted in Portugal, is extremely smooth for ultimate comfort and undergoes an antibacterial treatment that repels bacteria and fungi. Crafted from superior cotton. Overwoven: both woven and tufting in the construction.

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Bath by Graccioza

Graccioza's Alentejo bath towels are sensationally soft and voluminous at 680GSM. Made in Portugal of 100% cotton, which provides extreme absorbency and an ultra-soft touch. It has a unique 3D design effect that results in a wavy aspect and texture.

Graccioza Alentejo Bath Towels | White