Bellman Stovetop Steamer Review & Latte Art

Bellman Stovetop Steamer Review & Latte Art

Price: $ 347.99


Bellman Espresso & Steamer - CX25

An Ode to the Bellman Steamer - Prima Coffee Equipment

Bellman Espresso & Steamer (CX 25P) - Espresso Shot, Espresso Maker, Latte, Cappuccino, Mocha, Coffee Maker; Milk Steamer; Latte Art

The Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX 25P ensures that you'll never need to sacrifice rich and delicious espresso, paired with velvety steamed milk. This stovetop unit allows you to rival your favorite local cafe. Brew between 3-9 coffees and serve the entire gang, the Bellman produces intense, crema topped espresso that will have you looking forward to your next coffee. An attached pressure gauge also allows you know exactly the pressure so you can extract a well balanced shot.

Bellman Espresso & Steamer - CX25P

The 10 Best Milk Frothers For Your Home Café

The Bellman 50SS allows you to steam and pour velvety micro foam like a pro barista. Comparable to most local cafes, the double hole steam wand is designed to create silky, creamy milk that is both sweet and smooth. You can say goodbye to thickened foam bubbles commonly created by electric milk frothers. The Bellman 50SS is an affordable option that can be used either at home, out travelling or camping. Suitable for Gas, Electric and Ceramic stove tops.

Bellman Stovetop Milk Steamer 50SS

Bellman Stovetop Steamer - How to make latte art without an espresso machine — Specialty Coffee Blog

Can You Pour Latte Art Masterpieces At Home With The Bellman Stovetop Steamer?

The 7 Best Milk Frothers, Tested and Reviewed